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Questions & Anwers

Answers to common questions regarding your account, servers, billing, etc.

What is the carbon calculator showing me?

The carbon calculator shows an estimate of the projected total societal CO2 emissions reduction, achieved by preventing natural gas use at our Leaf sites, with the residual heat the selected server(s) generate. This estimate is based on the wattage of the various hardware used constantly over a year. We use the following constants and assumptions to calculate our estimate:

Are all listed prices for Leafcloud services excluding VAT?

Yes, all prices listed on our website exclude VAT. For VAT-included pricing, please contact us directly at info@leaf.cloud.

Are there discounts available for long-term GPU commitments?

Yes, discounts are available for commitments of a month or longer. Visit our pricing page or contact us at hello@leaf.cloud for details.

Can I belong to multiple organizations?

You can be a team member of multiple teams across several organizations. However, you cannot be an Admin of multiple organizations

Can I belong to multiple projects?

Yes, through your teams, you can be assigned to multiple projects

Can I belong to multiple teams?

Yes, you can belong to multiple teams, even across different organizations.

Can I extend the disk space of an instance that is already running?

Yes, you can extend the disk space of an instance that is already running. The safest and most flexible way to do this requires multiple volumes and a bit of planning. You can find step-by-step guides in our documentation here

Can I get application-level support?

Leafcloud does not offer direct application-level support. Options for application-level support are available through our partner network.

Can I receive a copy of my invoice?

Yes, you can request a copy of your invoice by sending an email to support email or hello@leaf.cloud.

Can I remove Managed Kubernetes from a project?

Managed Kubernetes cannot be removed from a project but does not accrue additional costs without the creation of a cluster.

Can I upgrade my quota?

Yes, upgraded or expanded quotas are available on request. If you need your quota expanded, you can contact us at support email

Can I use my free credits for GPUs?

The €100 in free credits you receive upon creating your account cannot be used for Leafcloud GPUs.

Do I need to fill in my credit card details to create a Leafcloud account?

Yes, to create a Leafcloud account, you must provide your credit card details as requested in the sign-up form. Leafcloud will not bill you until your free credits are used up or have expired. For more information, visit our Pricing page.

Does a Cluster that is Hibernating incur costs?

Yes, the base cluster price for the control plane is still incurred even when a cluster is hibernating.

Does Gardener Managed Kubernetes by Leafcloud offer support for GPUs?

Yes, Leafcloud Managed Kubernetes offers excellent GPU support.

Does Leafcloud build data centers?

No, Leafcloud uses existing data centers with a mature sustainability program for our cores that house our storage clusters, and existing structures that require hot water all year round for our Leaf sites; these house our compute servers.

Does Leafcloud offer a referral program?

Yes, you can find it here. Sign up for the program and earn money based on the usage of new users who sign up using your code!

Does Leafcloud offer discounts?

Yes, Leafcloud offers a standard 30% sustained use discount for monthly commitments. For longer-term contracts, contact us to explore additional discounts.

Does Leafcloud use liquid cooling?

Sometimes. There are many solutions for getting waste heat out of servers, and we use a mix of them to suit specific needs.

Does Managed Kubernetes support autoscaling?

Yes, Gardener uses the standard Kubernetes autoscaling implementation.

How can I add new users to my organization?

You add users to an organization by inviting them to join a team. Select Teams in the sidebar and select the team you would like to edit. Then use the 'Invite New User' button to send them an invite invite new user

How can I add or remove members from my team?

To add members:

  • Navigate to Teams and select the team you want to edit.
  • Use the 'Invite New User' button to send them an invite. invite new users To remove members:
  • Navigate to Users, edit the user, and toggle the team assignment edit user
How can I add or remove members to my project?

You can add teams to a project and add users to a team. Individual users are assigned to a team, and teams can be wholly assigned to a project define team composition and project access

How can I change my billing contact information?

You can change your billing information by navigating to the Projects tab on your dashboard. Here you can update billing information for each project by clicking on Open Billing & Invoices and pproceeding to Contact Information. update billing information

How can I change the name of my organization?

Contact Leafcloud support through support email.

How can I connect to my Kubernetes cluster?

Gardener has its own command-line tool called gardenctl. You can use gardenctl to connect to your cluster and manage your garden.

  • Install Gardenctl: Follow the installation instructions provided in the Leafcloud documentation.
  • Connect to Your Cluster: Use gardenctl commands to access and manage your Kubernetes cluster efficiently. For detailed steps, refer to the Leafcloud Gardenctl Documentation.
How can I contact Leafcloud support?

For support using your Leafcloud account or questions regarding availability, you can contact Leafcloud here, or by email at hello@leaf.cloud. Additionally, you can call +31(0)202443794 during business hours (CEST).

How can I make sure I no longer receive invoices from Leafcloud?

Ensure no active services (volumes, instances, floating IPs, load balancers, or storage) are visible on your dashboard. Set your instance status to 'shelved' to avoid incurring costs. If no active services are visible and you still receive invoices, contact support here.

How can I manage and create Kubernetes clusters?

You can manage and create Kubernetes clusters (shoots) using Gardener in two main ways:

  • Declaratively with YAML:
    • Define cluster configurations in YAML files.
    • Use gardenctl to apply these configurations, creating or updating clusters as specified.
  • Via the Gardener UI:
    • Access the Gardener dashboard at dashboard.gardener.leaf.cloud.
    • Use the intuitive interface to manage and create clusters. Both methods offer flexible and efficient cluster management. For detailed instructions, visit the Leafcloud Gardenctl Documentation.
How can I reset my password?

If you’ve lost your password, you can reset your password here

How can I update or change my billing method?

You can update or change your billing method by navigating to the Projects tab on your dashboard. Here you can update billing information for each project by clicking on 'Open Billing & Invoices'. update billing inforamtion

How do I delete my Leafcloud account?

If you wish your Leafcloud account deleted, please send an email request to your_company_name@support.leaf.cloud or hello@leaf.cloud and provide the following information:

  • Your full name
  • Company name
  • The name of your Project

Please note that this process is permanent and cannot be undone. Conforming to GDPR, your personal information will no longer be on file

How do I determine which type of architecture to use?

Consider the following factors:

  • Performance Needs: Does the application require high processing speed or handle large data volumes efficiently?
  • Scalability Requirements: How will traffic and data volume scale over time?
  • Complexity of Interactions: Is there a need for complex interactions between different parts of the system?

Conducting a proof-of-concept or pilot study is recommended to validate scalability, performance, and maintainability. We're here to help. Email us at hello@leaf.cloud or schedule a call.

How do I determine which type of machine to use?

Selecting the appropriate machine type depends on factors like your application requirements, expected workload, resource utilization patterns (e.g., CPU usage, memory consumption, and storage needs), scalability considerations, and budget constraints. We're here to help. Email us at hello@leaf.cloud or schedule a call.

How do I enable 2FA for OpenStack?

Select Settings in the sidebar. Then use the "enable two-factor authentication" toggle [img]

How do I enable Managed Kubernetes on a project?

Navigate to Projects on your dashboard. Select your project and tick the checkbox in the section with the red outline. Note: Managed Kubernetes cannot be switched off but does not accrue additional costs unless you create a cluster.

How do I make changes to the roles in my teams?

Admins can edit users in the Users section of their dashboard and select a role from the dropdown list. edit users

How do I manage which users can access my project?

Go to Projects and select the project you want to edit. Use the toggles to change which teams can access which projects manage-team-composition-define-project-access

How do I see information about my upcoming bills?

To get a forecast of your next monthly bill, you can check your ‘rating’ on the Leafcloud cloud control panel. The column 'Rate' indicates the forecasted price. Prices listed are in Euros and before any discounts. Example Rating Summary

How do I start a Leafcloud GPU instance?

Sign-up and create a Leafcloud account. Ensure you tick the box 'Enable GPU' during the sign-up process. Then, create an instance using a GPU flavor.

How do I start a private LLM?

You can find a step-by-step guide in our documentation here.

How do I start a truly green WordPress server?

You can find a step-by-step guide in our documentation here

How does Leafcloud provide truly green cloud?

Servers use energy to do calculations, all of which is turned into heat and – in a typical data center – thrown away while cooling. We put our servers where heat is needed – places like swimming pools, apartment complexes, and nursing homes – and replace natural gas for heating shower water at these locations with our server heat.

How does the Managed Kubernetes setup work?

The Kubernetes setup consists of several parts:

  • Control Plane: Managed by Leafcloud, it oversees the Kubernetes cluster.
  • Worker Nodes: Created in the customer's OpenStack project to run applications and workloads.
  • Networking: Configured in the customer's OpenStack project to connect worker nodes and resources.
  • Security Groups: Enhance security and control network access in the customer's OpenStack project.
How does the upgrade process work using the Gardener UI?

The upgrade process includes:

  • Node Replacement: Nodes are replaced one by one when changing the Kubernetes version.
  • Workload Migration: Workloads from old nodes are automatically migrated to the new nodes.
  • Seamless Transition: Ensures minimal downtime, maintaining consistency and smooth operation.
How is Leafcloud able to be more affordable per core than traditional providers?

Part of the answer lies in not building data centers, thereby saving on infrastructure costs.

How long do my free credits last?

You receive €100 in free credits upon creating your Leafcloud account. Any remaining credits last for 30 days.

How many people can be in a team?

There is no limit to team sizes.

How many people can have access to a project?

There is no fixed limit to the number of people that can be granted access to a project

I've received an invoice for a service I thought was removed. What happened?

Most likely, you have not fully removed one or more of your active services. Check for active services like volumes, instances, floating IPs, load balancers, or storage on your dashboard.

To avoid costs, ensure the status of your instance is set to 'shelved.' If no active services are visible, contact support here.

Is Leafcloud carbon-negative?

Yes and no, the least consuming workload is the one not started, and we do not magically pull CO2 out of the air. However, the current standard is large data centers cooled with air-conditioning and large apartment complexes heated with natural gas or other fossil fuels. Let's say both use one unit of energy. Because Leafcloud places servers where heat is needed, and the building uses that heat instead of generating it with the equivalent amount of natural gas, we have minus one energy use for society. That's already 'carbon negative' with a new workload and even more when moving a workload from a traditional or hyperscale data center to Leafcloud.

Is the VM included in the listed price?

Yes, the VMs corresponding to the 1, 2, 4, or 8 GPU machines are included in the listed price.

My authorization link has expired, how can I get a new one?

If your authorization link has expired, please send an email to your_company_name@support.leaf.cloud requesting a new authorization link

My volume is stuck in 'reserved' state, how do I change this?

If your volume is stuck in "reserved" state, please send an email to support email.

What actions does Leafcloud take to ensure their cloud is truly green?

By placing servers where heat is needed, we prevent natural gas use in our locations and use the green energy that powers our servers twice. This means we do not need to use other forms of offsetting to become green; that's why we call it truly green.

What are the advantages of Managed Kubernetes on Leafcloud?

Peerless auto-healing & scaling, easy updates and certificates, and great GPU support. Take a look at our Kubernetes page for more information.

What are the benefits of the Leafcloud referral program?

You earn 5% of their cloud bill plus we'll send you your very own Leafcloud mug!

What can I get help with from Leafcloud support?

Leafcloud support is available for all your questions regarding deployment, architecture, and resource requirements.

What do I pay for Managed Kubernetes?

When using Gardener Managed Kubernetes by Leafcloud, you are charged a fixed fee per cluster, and for the consumed compute resources.

What happens after my trial expires?

After your free trial period expires, you will be billed for Leafcloud services in accordance with our pricing model. For more information, visit our Pricing page.

What happens when a LoadBalancer service is created?

When you create a LoadBalancer service in Kubernetes:

  • A load balancer is automatically provisioned for you in OpenStack.
  • An external IP is assigned to the load balancer.
  • This load balancer directs traffic from the external IP to your application pods.
What happens when a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) is created?

When you create a PVC in Kubernetes, a storage volume is automatically created for you in OpenStack based on the specified storage class.

What is the potential of waste heat utilization?

The utilization of residual or waste server heat has greater potential to benefit society than most improvements to cooling efficiency. For instance, being able to use all the server waste heat generated in The Netherlands would provide enough heat for roughly 50% of all showers taken in the country (DDA 2023). Utilizing server waste heat at scale can transform the cloud sector from liability to asset for the energy transition.

What kind of services do Leafcloud partners offer?

Leafcloud's partners offer a wide range of services. You can find managed database solutions, platform solutions, migration specialists, and innovators here

Where can I find help to get started with Leafcloud?

Send us all your questions by emailing to hello@leaf.cloud or schedule a call with our team and we'll get you on your way.

Where can I find information about the discount applied to my project?

Discount details should be displayed on your invoice. If missing or unclear, contact us at hello@leaf.cloud.

Where can I find Leafcloud's partners?

You can find Leafcloud's partner ecosystem here

Where can I find Leafcloud's pricing?

You can find our pricing details here.

Where can I find Managed Kubernetes?

Documentation is available here.

Where can I find reports on the impact of my Leafcloud projects?

Reports will soon be available: initially on your invoice, followed by added insights on your dashboard, and in CSRD-ready format.

Where can I find the documentation about Leafcloud Kubernetes?

You can find documentation related to Leafcloud Kubernetes here.

Where can I see which organization I belong to?

Navigate to your my.leaf.cloud dashboard. Your organization is displayed on the sidebar

Where can I see which projects I have access to?

You can find a list of your projects by selecting Projects in the sidebar [img]

Where can I see which role I have in my team?

If you have no dashboard options, you're a member. To view your role, navigate to Settings in the sidebar. If you can edit team settings, you're an Admin.

Where can I see which teams I belong to?

Organization Admins are the only ones who can see which teams a user belongs to. To find out, contact your organization Admin

Which billing methods are accepted?

Leafcloud accepts most widely used credit cards. Payments are also possible using iDEAL.

Which discounts am I eligible for?

Upon creating your Leafcloud account, you receive €100 in free credits. For year-long commitments or longer, please contact us at hello@leaf.cloud.

Which frameworks can I use with Leafcloud GPUs?

Most frameworks are supported. For more information on Leafcloud GPUs, visit our GPU page.

Which GPUs does Leafcloud offer?

Leafcloud offers the NVIDIA H100, A100, A30, and V100 GPUs.

Which network types are supported?

Leafcloud supports both Calico and Cilium network types.

Which versions of Kubernetes does Leafcloud offer?

Leafcloud is committed to staying close to the latest stable Kubernetes release. Currently, we offer Kubernetes version 1.29 and a preview of version 1.30.

Why are Leafcloud GPUs more affordable than traditional providers?

Heat reuse allows us to avoid the extra cooling often required to power GPUs. This saves energy and costs.

Why can't I send mail from my server? Port 25 is blocked

To ensure a secure cloud environment, Leafcloud blocks all outgoing SMTP traffic (Port 25) by default to prevent spam. Use relay services with authentication on open ports for sending email. Contact support if direct email delivery is necessary

Why do traditional cloud providers have such a large carbon footprint?

A significant portion of the footprint comes from the construction of the facility and required infrastructure (roads, pipes, power, etc.). Cheap and readily available energy often relies on fossil fuels, which have a high carbon footprint. Additionally, throwing away the heat generated by servers with cooling is wasteful and energy-intensive, often adding more than 15% to the total energy consumption of data centers.

Why is distributing compute across the built environment better than a traditional data center?

Getting waste heat out of data centers with a heat network is hard, and harder still to do so profitably. By contrast, the Leafcloud model offers the following benefits:

  • No need to build a new building
  • No need to build new roads, or put pipes, power, and fiber in the ground
  • Our locations use more heat than we provide, ensuring no waste and making it useful throughout the year
  • Distributing power for large-scale compute prevents electricity grid congestion, allows for clever power load balancing, and provides inherent workload redundancy.
Why is using waste heat from servers so important?

Combating a massive source of waste and cutting energy use at both ends. Traditional data centers are large buildings that use massive quantities of energy. Nearly all of that energy generates heat. That heat is then wasted by dispersing it with cooling. Cooling requires yet more energy and often water. Recently, the AI boom has caused coal plants and nuclear facilities to reopen to meet soaring energy demand. The largest cloud providers are among the largest purchasers of green energy and green energy certificates on the planet. Using all that energy to generate and then throw away heat is extremely wasteful, including when you offset the process with certificates from the Nordics. By contrast, utilizing server heat has massive potential for good use, such as heating showers.